With locations around the world, Name Badges International is your ideal partner for beautiful, quality personalized name badges. The United States manufacturing and distribution facility is located in Miami, Florida and includes a full art department, Customer Service department and production facility. Here at Name Badges International, we serve all aspects of business and industry. Our wide and diverse client base includes hospitality, retail, personal and professional services, public bodies, airlines, the financial sector, travel, in fact just about any employee or customer interface. We will different commission structures with the most common percentage give per transaction at 15% per sale to affiliate lead. We prefer to not work with coupon sites and rather work with original content blogs/platforms and other affiliate website based platforms. We prefer to work with sites that are more business or recreation content related where our products will naturally have a higher click through and conversion rate based on content. We offer a variation of six different name badge product types which a listed below: 1. Standard Name Badge (plastic name badge with no border) 2. Prestige Name Badge (plastic name badge with border) 3. Shape Name Badge (offered in oval and half oval with rectangle shaped plastic name badges) 4. Reusable Name Badge (Allows the ability to customize name badge with just a standard printer) 5. Large Regal Name Badge (Our largest name badge that is also ideal for trade shows) 6. Executive Metal Name Badge (Our metal name badge that is made out of real metal) Our name badges come in options for magnet, pin or combi-clip backing. You may read more about our products on our website: http://www.namebadgesinternational.us/