Tasterie is an allergen free food service that offers: subscription box service. We offer 4 subscription box types; Gluten Free, Gluten Free/Dairy Free, Nut Free & Top 8 (gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish & shellfish) free. These can be ordered in increments of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months purchases. For people new to or struggling with maintaining an allergen free diet, we also offer "The OMG Box!!!". This a 1 time box that has tools to assist our members achieve success with their new dietary restrictions. (The OMG Box!!! is nearly 9 lbs of snacks, mixes, cookbooks, and helpful aids.) Tasterie utilizes a proprietary screening process with our manufacturers. The screening criteria is higher than FDA standards to assure safe foods for our boxes and ultimately our members. Subscription boxes are $32.95/month (includes shipping), and the OMG!!! box is $95. (not including shipping) 7% commission on month-to-month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 month subscription options & the OMG!!! introductory box. NO COUPON SITES PLEASE.